
Netlify error fetching branch

Describe how to resolve hugo build error which says 'Error fetching branch https:xxx/xxx'.


Which static site generator should you choose for your website

Here we will talk about choosing a proper static site generator for a static website. You can find a list of generators at StaticGen. But there are so many of them, "Static Site Generators Reviewed" has narrowed the range to four typical ones: Jekyll, Middleman, Roots and Hugo. Below gives a simple conclusion about them.


Why you should use a static generator for building websites

Static site generators have been popular over the past few years. Static sites bring many advantages especially when it comes to speed and security. The pages pre-rendered by generators can be served just over a CDN. That saves a lot of effort and money for running a server. And today's generators have been capable to meet some dynamic requirements, such as comments, real-time data updating, etc.

netlify static-site-generator