A universal document converter -- Pandoc

Pandoc is a universal document conversion tool and it is a free. You can install it and use it as a command tool, you can also use it online.

It can be used to convert between many document formats, some of them are:

  • Markdown
  • Microsoft Word docx
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • PDF
  • CSV
  • LaTeX
  • HTML
  • XML
  • Jupyter notebook (ipynb)

Examples to convert documents with Pandoc

Convert word to markdown

# -s, standalone
# -f, input file format
# -t, out file format
# -o, output file name
$ pandoc -s -t markdown exampledocx -o example.md

Convert word with images to markdown

If there are images in the word document, you can use --extract-media option to extract them to a folder and they will be referenced automatically in the output markdown file.

# The images extrated will be put in the 'media' child folder.
$ pandoc -f docx -t markdown --extract-media="." example.docx -o example.md

Convert markdown to word

If the markdown references images, they will be displayed properly in the docx file.

$ pandoc example.md  -o example.docx

To make the output docs to include toc (table of document), use --toc option.

$ pandoc example.md  --toc -o example.docx

More about Pandoc

According to Pandoc’s official site:

There are many ways to customize Pandoc to fit your needs, including a template system and a powerful system for writing filters.

Pandoc includes a Haskell library and a standalone command-line program. The library includes separate modules for each input and output format, so adding a new input or output format just requires adding a new module.

February 23, 2021 cmd dev

Tools to manage code snippets

2 apps to manage your code snippets in local machine: massCode and SnippetStore. Both tools are open source apps with different features. You can choose one according your needs.


A tool to learn Git

LearnGitBranching is an online tool that provides an visual and interactive way to learn Git. It is a pure clientside application written in JavaScript, only an HTML page with some JS and CSS, there's no AJAX requests. Just open it in a browser and you are ready to use it. It offers various levels for you to challenge. See more on its GitHub repository.

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