Tools to manage code snippets

2 apps to manage your code snippets: massCode and SnippetStore. Both tools are open source apps and store code locally. You can choose one according your needs.

massCode (sores code in local database)

massCode is an open source application (Windows/Linux/Mac) that allows you to organize code snippets.

You write code in markdown files (it also provides Monaco editor which VS code uses ), organize them in multi-level folders as well as tags. massCode uses a simple but powerful NeDB to store the the code on your local computer.

massCode provides fast full-text search, and you can use any service that provides cloud synchronization, such as iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox or other similar.

massCode repository:

  • built with Electron, Vue & Monaco editor.
  • Inspired by applications like SnippetsLab and Quiver

SnippetStore (provides vs code plugin)

SnippetStore is another open source application (Windows/Linux) to manage code snippets.


  • Quick access to snippet list.

  • Provides an VS Code plugin

  • Organized in languages and tags

SnippetStore reporitory. Tech stack:

August 18, 2020 dev

A universal document converter -- Pandoc

Pandoc is a powerful document conversion tool, it is called swiss-army knife in this field. It understands many document formats, like markdown, ms word, pdf, html, etc. And it is free, you may install it as a command tool or try it online.

cmd dev

A tool to learn Git

LearnGitBranching is an online tool that provides an visual and interactive way to learn Git. It is a pure clientside application written in JavaScript, only an HTML page with some JS and CSS, there's no AJAX requests. Just open it in a browser and you are ready to use it. It offers various levels for you to challenge. See more on its GitHub repository.

dev git

A tool showing cheatsheet for programming languages and Linux commands is a pretty useful tool that provides a cheat sheet for all you need like Linux commands, programming languages and DBMSes. You can use it to display usages of a Linux command, a code snip of a programming language like code for looping an array with PHP. For the moment, it covers 56 programming languages(C, awk, bash, PHP, Python, Perl, R, Ruby, JS, Go, Swift...) and 1000+ Linux commands.

cmd dev git-bash