
Tricks for Git bash on Windows

In this article, you will see some useful Git bash tricks on Windows, like how to change drive, search command history, open an application, configure SSH, run bash scripts, open a file with Notepad++, speed up commands, etc.

cmd git-bash

Things about changing Github username

First, the official GitHub doc on changeing username says you can change your GitHub username at any time. It also mentions how to change and what happens after you change. But there are still some things to consider afterwards. The author of things to do after username changes has done these things many times, therefore this article gives a list of subsequent things to do to make the transaction as smoothly as possible.


Make Git Bash on Windows a better terminal

There are some things that you can do to make Git bash on Windows a powerful and easy-to-use terminal but not only one for Git. Although there have been a few wonderful solutions for replacing the Windows command terminal, such as Cygwin or Cmder, but you may don't want another new terminal. The things to make Git bash better include adding aliases for quick typing/navigation/automation, adding new commands for new utilities, etc.

cmd git-bash

Tools to quickly navigate your file system

No matter you are working on a terminal or a GUI system, navigating to the right folder takes pretty time especially when you are drilling through the deep folder hierarchies. Here it talks about several ways to change directory quickly, including creating alias commands(Linux/Windows), using AutoJump(an advanced cd command for Linux/Windows/MacOS) or Listary(an amazing tool for finding/opening files/folders instantly on Windows).

cmd auto

Javascript minifiers

JavaScript minification reduces your JavaScript file size obviously without changing its functionality. Here let's see several JavaScript minification tools,including one command tool and three online tools which offer different features.
