
Add tree command to Git bash on Windows

If your Git bash on Windows is not shipped with tree command, you can reinstall it and choose use Git and optional Unix tools option on install or just add this command manually.

cmd git-bash

Improved command line tools

Using command line tools for your job can be highly effective and productive. The author of CLI: improved have been using them over 20 years. He often find better CLI tools to use. In that article, he gives a list of improved CLI tools for the traditional ones. Below are some examples of them. A tip to use the new tools is to create an alias for each new tool with the old one.

cmd best-practice

Google's image compression web tool -- Squoosh

[Squoosh]( is an image compression web app from Google Chrom Labs. As the team said, it uses WebAssembly to do more with the codes the browser doesn't have baked in. Although it needs to be loaded in a browser, it uses local resources. After launched once, you can use it off line.

image compression online

An online MS paint written in JS

[]( is a free web-based paint tool. It perfectly imitate the look and feel of the classic MS paint. Now you use MS paint anywhere. See more information from [the project's GitHub pagess](

image paint online